I stumbled upon this website that features a very innovative method of doing flash cards electronically. The physical flash cards can be difficult to store due to their sizes and if the paper quality is not good, they may turn yellowish over time. Electronic flash cards, on the other hand, can be very interesting for the children and easier to maintain.
BrillKids has developed Little Reader software that allows us to teach the young children in a fun and interactive way. I have downloaded the beta version for trial. The first moment I demonstated the Little Reader to Edison, he was amazed! He focused on every slides and started making responses as he was looking at it. These 2 days, he started making roaring sounds (like a tiger!) which I believed he learnt from the reader.
In addition to the software, you can download flash card slideshows that are PowerPoint files that you can playback on your computer. The slideshows contain pictures, embedded pronunciation files as well as sound effects that make learning a fun and enjoyable part of everyday.
Download your free flash card slideshows here -->
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