Something to rejoice about. The enhanced Marriage and Parenthood (M&P) package announced by PM Lee at the National Day Rally on 17 Aug 08.
It happened once again. Singapore Government is generously giving more incentives to encourage couples to have more babies. Seriously, I don't think anyone would get married or have a kid just because of the incentives. But but but, if we are thinking of having another baby, it will make it a lot easier for us with the new incentives.
What attracts me?
1. Extended maternity leave from 12 to 16 weeks for working mothers. No need to work for ~4 months, but still get paid! I was jumping with joy when I heard this.
2. Paid childcare leave has been increased from 2 to 6 days. For parents with child aged below seven years old. Yes, I fit into this category. I can start planning my additional 4 days leave this year.
3. Unpaid infant care leave. This is NEW! Working parents will get six days of unpaid infant care leave per year if one has a child aged below two years old. Don't worry if I have burnt all my annual leave and childcare leave, as I still have 6 days of unpaid leave as back-up.
Besides all these, the Government has also increased the Baby Bonus, Parenthood Tax Rebate and subsidies for centre-based child/infant-care.
For more detailed information pertaining to the enhanced M&P, you can refer to the following link:
I have always wanted to have a baby GIRL. I dreamt about that little pinkish booties, pink dress with lace and pink hair bands. It will be nice if Edison has a 'mei-mei' (sister) to play with and share his toys.
On the other hand, I'm worried that I may not be able to handle two kids on my own. I may not be able to channel all my time and efforts to Edison. I don't want to add stress to my aging parents-in-law. Well, well, well, what should I do? Strike Toto, become a SAHM & I can take care of my two kids... Ok, start dreaming about it tonight.... :)
18 days to Edison's First Birthday!
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